Get Involved

Contact Your Representative

Select a State

This page will help you contact a Senator from your state. Please follow the directions below to get a general idea of how to proceed:

  1. From the drop-down menu below, select your state and hit go, this will open a new window with a link to the email web-form for both Senators from your state.
  2. Select a Senator from the list and click the link to access their personal web-form. The web-form will allow you to send an email to your senator.
  3. Fill out the form in it's entirety, this is important so that the email that is generated can be handled properly. Remember, they represent you so they will be happy to help if they can.
  4. In the message section make sure to mention that you support the GPS act and that you support controls on location tracking in regards to cell phones and mobile devices.

*Please remember to be courteous and do not under any circumstances, use insults, foul language, or derogatory terms. To be taken seriously you must be professional and courteous.

**If you have any more questions in regards to this process, please go to our contact page and use the form to send us an email directly.

Location tracking is an issue that effects all americans.

Click here to see what the ACLU has to say.